Система водяного охолодження Alphacool 11446

Код товару: 1544780
Є в наявності
4849 Грн
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  • Самовивіз м.Київ вул.Стрийська 3
  • Відправка Новою поштою
  • Відправка Укрпоштою
  • Умови оплати
  • Для фіз.осіб: готівковий розрахунок, оплата на картку, накладений платіж
  • Безготівковий для юр.осіб: 4849грн.
  • Гарантія
  • Гарантійний термін: 60 міс.
  • Повернення товару протягом 14 днів. Детальніше
  • Інформація по Alphacool 11446
  • Виробник: Alphacool
  • Країна-виробник: Китай
  • Гарантія: 60 міс.
  • Модель: 11446
  • Вага: 2.819 кг.
  • Габарити: 44x26x15 см.
  • Короткий опис:

    Для процесорів - INTEL, AMD, сокет - FM2+, 1151, AM4, 2066, 1150, 1155, AM2, AM2+, AM3, AM3+, FM1, FM2, AM5, 1356, 2011-3, 1156, 1366, 2011, діаметр вентиляторів - 120 мм, Підсвічування - немає, 2000 об/хв, матеріал радіатора - мідь, Тип підшипників - гідравлічний, роз'єми живлення - 4-pin PWM, чорний

Опис Alphacool 11446

With the Alphacool Eisbaer LT, you get a high-performance compact water cooling system that’s barely inferior to its bigger brother, the Eisbaer AIO.

Just like the Eisbaer, the Eisbaer LT distinguishes itself from the usual AIO mix in that Alphacool relied on normal custom components as much as possible during development. This allows the Eisbaer LT to be expanded on not just with the Eisbaer Ready quick connectors but also with connectors using standard G1/4” threads. These can be replaced with other models at any time. Another highlight is the new 25mm thin Slim Radiator, made entirely of copper. Since copper has twice the heat capacity of aluminium, optimal cooling is guaranteed.

Cooler and pump
The cooler bottom is made entirely of copper and has an ultra-fine cross slot structure. Thanks to those cross slots and a sophisticated nozzle system, heat is absorbed extremely fast and transferred away from the CPU. The built-in DC-LT 2 Ceramic pump is an extremely quiet pump that Alphacool has used in many products. The pump is much stronger than what you’d usually find in AIOs. It can also be throttled with the optional 7V adaptor, decreasing the already low noise generation even further. The pump casing is very flat and the aluminium cap gives it a clean, elegant look.

Alphacool relies on the standard DIY fittings you’d find in any standard water cooling system. Components are made entirely of high-quality brass and use a G1/4” thread. This means fittings can be exchanged easily, just like in a standard system. Maybe you want different tubing or want to switch over to HardTubes – your options are wide open.

Quick connectors
The Eisbaer LT’s quick connectors make it compatible with all other Eisbaer Ready products, like the Eiswolf GPX-Pro cooler or the Eiswand external radiator. Both products use the same pump – perfect for quickly and easily expanding the cooling loop. Alternatively, you can use the Extension Set or Alphacool HF Quick Connectors (available separately) to integrate other components into the system.

The compact but standard 11/8mm tubing size was Alphacool’s go-to here. The tubing uses anti-kink springs in order to prevent kinks in the tubing. This makes it easy to lay tubing even in tight spaces, meaning the Eisbaer LT is easy to install even in compact cases.

Alphacool has integrated a brand-new 25mm-thin Ultra-Slim Radiator. Unlike most AIO systems, Alphacool’s radiator is not made of cheap aluminium, but rather high-quality copper. With twice the heat capacity, copper significantly increases the radiator’s cooling performance. This is especially noticeable when you reach the performance limits of a radiator. While temperatures in aluminium radiators progressively rise fairly early, copper radiators can keep the temperature stable for much longer.

Alphacool's Core is a quiet and efficient fan with a wide control range up to 2000 rpm. The via PWM signal controllable fan is particularly well suited for radiators. The double-bearing fan axis is smooth running and enables a long service life as well as quiet operation.

At first glance, the Eisbaer LT looks like a typical CPU AIO solution, but a closer look elevates the Eisbaer LT far above the competition. Thanks to its copper radiator and cooling block, its cooling power is enormous, and the quick connectors and custom water cooling components make it easy to expand on. On top of that, you have product options that can connect to the Eisbaer LT without needing to be refilled at all – such as external radiators, prefilled radiators, and graphics card coolers. The portfolio is constantly expanding.

Характеристики Alphacool 11446

Для процесорів AMD
Кількість вентиляторів 3
Діаметр вентиляторів 120 мм
Підсвічування немає
Максимальна частота обертів 2000 об/хв
Матеріал радіатора мідь
Тип підшипників гідравлічний
Тиск 2.82 мм H2O
Управління швидкістю обертання так
Роз'єми живлення 4-pin PWM
Напруга живлення вентиляторів 12 В
Довжина патрубків 320 мм
Розміри радіаторів 390 x 120 x 25 мм
Розміри вентиляторів 120 х 120 х 25 мм
Розмір водоблоку 69 x 69 x 39 мм
Колір чорний
Сокет 2011
Повітряний потік 103.03 CFM